Yesterday was a very overcast, rainy day. I knew that I needed to go grocery shopping, so I got myself ready for my least favorite task, preparing myself with reusable grocery totes and a pile of coupons. Before hitting the supermarket, I stopped at a local card store and browsed for Easter cards. People came in and out of the store with wet umbrellas, and the tone was generally quiet and subdued.
Then, from the opposite side of the store came the sound of very loud giggling, which quickly escalated to unchecked chortling and breathless laughter. I could feel my mood brighten and the corners of my mouth turned up, and before I knew it, I was laughing too.
The laughter was coming from two little children who were sitting in a corner on the carpet while their mother shopped. Their laughter was so pure, so silly, it was hard to resist. They were cracking each other up with who-knows-what, but their giggling was rich and continuous, and very sweet.
I loved it.
Laughter is a stress reliever, picker-upper, mood enhancer, spirit lifter, and worry soother.
More than ever, I'm going to notice and hold dear the funny moments in life.
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."